Stream processing

The SAXO OpenAPI offers steaming support using websockets.

Several endpoints offer streaming capabilities by creating subscriptions. These subscriptions create messages that can be identified by the referenceId.

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

"""Simple stream processing."""

import asyncio
import websockets
from import stream

async def echo(ContextId, token):
    hdrs = {
        "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token),
    URL = "wss://" + \
    async with websockets.connect(URL, extra_headers=hdrs) as websocket:
        async for message in websocket:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

    with open("token.txt") as I:
        token =


This code will read messages from a message stream. It must be started with a ContextId.

$ python ctxt_20190311

Now the program runs, but no output appears. By using the explorer it is possible to create one ore more subscriptions.

To create a subscription for price information:

  • click the Trading service group
  • click Prices
  • click POST /trade/v1/prices/subscriptions
    "Arguments": {
        "Uic": 21,
        "AssetType": "FxSpot"
    "ContextId": "ctxt_20190311",
    "ReferenceId": "EUR_USD"

Click SEND to submit the POST. Quotes for EUR_USD will show up in the stream. Additional subscriptions can be added and the messages will appear in the stream by their referenceId. The output shows EUR_USD price information and output of a subscription for account balance.

{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5004, 'msg': {'InitialMargin': {'MarginAvailable': 98669.15, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100169.15}, 'MarginAvailableForTrading': 98669.15, 'MarginNetExposure': 100000.32, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100169.15, 'TotalValue': 100169.15, 'UnrealizedMarginOpenProfitLoss': 179.14, 'UnrealizedMarginProfitLoss': 179.14, 'UnrealizedPositionsValue': 174.14}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5005, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:47:54.197000Z', 'Quote': {'Ask': 1.12491, 'Bid': 1.12471, 'Mid': 1.12481}}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5006, 'msg': {'MarginNetExposure': 100000.88}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5007, 'msg': {'MarginNetExposure': 100001.44}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5008, 'msg': {'MarginNetExposure': 100002.0}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5009, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:04.830000Z'}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5010, 'msg': {'MarginNetExposure': 100001.44}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5011, 'msg': {'InitialMargin': {'MarginAvailable': 98666.93, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100166.93}, 'MarginAvailableForTrading': 98666.93, 'MarginNetExposure': 100000, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100166.93, 'TotalValue': 100166.93, 'UnrealizedMarginOpenProfitLoss': 176.92, 'UnrealizedMarginProfitLoss': 176.92, 'UnrealizedPositionsValue': 171.92}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5012, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:10.464000Z', 'Quote': {'Ask': 1.1249, 'Bid': 1.1247, 'Mid': 1.1248}}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5013, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:12.482000Z', 'Quote': {'Ask': 1.12487, 'Bid': 1.12467, 'Mid': 1.12477}}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5014, 'msg': {'InitialMargin': {'MarginAvailable': 98664.71, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100164.71}, 'MarginAvailableForTrading': 98664.71, 'MarginExposureCoveragePct': 100.16, 'MarginNetExposure': 100000.93, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100164.71, 'TotalValue': 100164.71, 'UnrealizedMarginOpenProfitLoss': 174.7, 'UnrealizedMarginProfitLoss': 174.7, 'UnrealizedPositionsValue': 169.7}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5015, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:15.882000Z'}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5016, 'msg': {'InitialMargin': {'MarginAvailable': 98666.93, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100166.93}, 'MarginAvailableForTrading': 98666.93, 'MarginNetExposure': 100002.59, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100166.93, 'TotalValue': 100166.93, 'UnrealizedMarginOpenProfitLoss': 176.92, 'UnrealizedMarginProfitLoss': 176.92, 'UnrealizedPositionsValue': 171.92}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5017, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:23.501000Z', 'Quote': {'Ask': 1.12486, 'Bid': 1.12466, 'Mid': 1.12476}}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5018, 'msg': {'InitialMargin': {'MarginAvailable': 98666.94, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100166.94}, 'MarginAvailableForTrading': 98666.94, 'MarginNetExposure': 100003.16, 'NetEquityForMargin': 100166.94, 'TotalValue': 100166.94, 'UnrealizedMarginOpenProfitLoss': 176.93, 'UnrealizedMarginProfitLoss': 176.93, 'UnrealizedPositionsValue': 171.93}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5019, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:24.604000Z', 'Quote': {'Ask': 1.12487, 'Bid': 1.12467, 'Mid': 1.12477}}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5020, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:26.716000Z'}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5021, 'msg': {'MarginNetExposure': 100003.72}}
{'refid': b'EUR_USD', 'msgId': 5022, 'msg': {'LastUpdated': '2019-03-11T19:48:27.088000Z', 'Quote': {'Ask': 1.12486, 'Bid': 1.12466, 'Mid': 1.12476}}}
{'refid': b'acctbal', 'msgId': 5023, 'msg': {'MarginNetExposure': 100003.16}}

Subscriptions using saxo_openapi

Creating price-subscriptions using the saxo_openapi is easy too.

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

"""Simple demo program that looks up the Uic for currencypairs entered by name.
For each pair it creates a subscription for price information with the instrumentname
as  Referenceid.

The program asumes you have a file with the token locally in token.tok.

Usage: <contextid> EURUSD EURJPY EURGBP
from saxo_openapi import API
import as tr
import saxo_openapi.endpoints.referencedata as rd
import saxo_openapi.contrib.session as session
import json

def subscribe_for_prices(client, ContextId, instruments):
    """fetch instrument data by the name of the instrument and extract the Uic (Identifier)
    and use that to subscribe for prices.
    Use the name of the instrument as reference.
    _ai = session.account_info(client=client)

    # body template for price subscription
    body = {
       "Arguments": {
           "Uic": "",
           "AssetType": "FxSpot"
       "ContextId": "",
       "ReferenceId": ""
    body.update({'ContextId': ContextId})

    for instrument in instruments:
        params = {'AccountKey': _ai.AccountKey,
                  'AssetTypes': 'FxSpot',
                  'Keywords': instrument
        # create the request to fetch Instrument info
        r = rd.instruments.Instruments(params=params)
        rv = client.request(r)
        if len(rv['Data']) == 1:
            body['Arguments'].update({'Uic': rv['Data'][0]['Identifier']})
            body.update({"ReferenceId": instrument})
            # print("Prepping: ")
            # print(json.dumps(body, indent=2))
            # create the request to fetch Instrument info
            r = tr.prices.CreatePriceSubscription(data=body)

            status = "succesful" if r.status_code == r.expected_status else "failed"
            print("Subscription for instrument: {} {}".format(instrument, status))

            print("Got multiple instruments for {}, can't choose...skip".format(instrument))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import sys
    with open("token.txt") as I:
        token =
        client = API(access_token=token)
        ContextId = sys.argv[1]
        subscribe_for_prices(client, ContextId, sys.argv[2:])
        print("check the stream for data ...")

Now create the price subscriptions with the program above:

$ python ctxt_20190311 EURJPY EURGBP
Subscription for instrument: EURJPY succesful
Subscription for instrument: EURGBP succesful
check the stream for data ...

The new instruments will show up in the stream output.